Anglų kalba taisyti

Daiktavardis taisyti

payment (Mokėjimo ir atsiskaitymo sistemos) - the payer's transfer of a monetary claim on a party acceptable to the payee. Typically, claims take the form of banknotes or deposit balances held at a financial institution or at a central bank.

Išraiškos arba posakiai taisyti

Vertimai taisyti

Šaltiniai taisyti

  1. A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems March 2003 ISBN 92-9197-133-2 (online)
  2. Payment systems in the Group of Ten countries December 1993 ISBN 92-9197-646-6 (online)
  3. Payment systems in the European Union (Blue Book) April 1996 ISBN 92-9166-000-0
  4. Implications for central banks of the development of electronic money October 1996 ISBN 92-9131-059-X
  5. Report on electronic money August 1998 ISBN 92-9181-012-6
  6. Payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union (Blue Book) August 1999 ISBN 92-9181-034-7
  7. Lietuvos banko valdybos 2006 11 09 nutarimas Nr. 138 „Dėl kapitalo pakankamumo skaičiavimo bendrųjų nuostatų“ (Žin., 2006, Nr. 142-5442 )