Naudotojo aptarimas:Vpovilaitis/pradinis
taisyti- A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems March 2003 ISBN 92-9197-133-2 (online) {{vp-ref-pssglos}}
- Delivery versus payment in securities settlement systems September 1992 ISBN 92-9131-114-6 {{vp-ref-DVP}}
- Payment systems in the Group of Ten countries December 1993 ISBN 92-9197-646-6 (online) {{vp-ref-RedBook}}
- Implications for central banks of the development of electronic money October 1996 ISBN 92-9131-059-X {{vp-ref-EM-CPSS}}
- Report on OTC derivatives: settlement procedures and counterparty risk management September 1998 ISBN 92-9131-066-2 {{vp-ref-OTC}}
- Securities lending transactions: market development and implications July 1999 ISBN 92-9131-070-0 {{vp-ref-SLT}}
- Payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union (Blue Book) August 1999 ISBN 92-9181-034-7 {{vp-ref-BlueBook99}}
- Retail payments in selected countries: a comparative study September 1999 ISBN 92–9131–073–5 {{vp-ref-Retail}}
- Core principles for systemically important payment systems January 2001 ISBN 92-9131-610-5 {{vp-ref-CorePrinc}}
- Lietuvos banko valdybos 2006 11 09 nutarimas Nr. 138 „Dėl kapitalo pakankamumo skaičiavimo bendrųjų nuostatų“ (Žin., 2006, Nr. 142-5442 ) {{vp-ref-138}}