Aptarimas:sauðfé: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

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Naujas puslapis: ´Hello, please note that with "sauðfé" or "fé" not a single sheep is meant, ever, but the group, livestock of sheep as a whole, the single one is called "kind" or "sauðkind" or…
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16:43, 5 gegužės 2009 versija

´Hello, please note that with "sauðfé" or "fé" not a single sheep is meant, ever, but the group, livestock of sheep as a whole, the single one is called "kind" or "sauðkind" or even "sauður" and "sauðfé" definitly has not 11 meanings, please correct this, best regards, --paukštis (:> )=| 16:43, 2009 gegužės 5 (UTC)

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