Sąrašas:Anglų kalbos/priešdėliai

A taisyti

B taisyti

C taisyti

D taisyti

E taisyti

  • eco-: habitat or environment. ecological, environmental (in the ecological sense).
  • ecto-: outside, external.
  • eigen-: own (adjective).
  • electr-, electro-: electricity, electric. electrolytic. electron.
  • em-: in, into, on, onto, within. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • en-: in, into, on, onto, within. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • end-, endo-: inside, within. taking in.
  • ennea-: nine.
  • ent-, ento-: inside, within, inner.
  • epi-: above, over, on, upon, outer. in addition to, besides, attached to. after. chemical entity related to or distinguished from (such) another.
  • equi-: equal, equally.
  • ethno-: race, people, cultural group.
  • eu-: good. well, easily. true.
  • Eur-, Euro-: Europe, especially as a political entity.
  • ex-: out of, outside. not. former.
  • exa-: quintillion. 1018.
  • exbi-: 260.
  • exo-: outside, external, outer. turning out.
  • extra-: outside, beyond.

F taisyti

  • femto-: 10-15.
  • ferro-: iron (element). Šablonas:chemistry ferrous.
  • fluor-, fluori-, fluoro-: fluorine. fluorescence.
  • for-: from. against, so as to involve prohibition, exclusion, omission, failure, neglect, or refusal. destructively, detrimentally. completely, excessively, to exhaustion, to pieces.
  • fore-: before, in front of, front, foremast. earlier, beforehand.
  • Franco-: French.

G taisyti

H taisyti

I taisyti

  • il-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • im-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • in-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • Indo-: India. East Indies. Indo-European.
  • inter-: among, between, amid. reciprocal.
  • intra-: inside, in, into, inward, interior, within. during, between.
  • ir-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
  • is-, iso-: equal, homogeneous, uniform. Šablonas:chemistry isomer. for or from different individuals of the same species.
  • Italo-: Italian.

J taisyti

K taisyti

L taisyti

M taisyti

N taisyti

  • nano-: 10-9. nanotechnology. nanoscale.
  • naso-: nose.
  • necr-, necro-: death.
  • neo-: new, recent.
  • non-: not, other than. reverse. absent, lacking. unimportant, worthless, of little or no consequence.
  • non-, nona-: nine.

O taisyti

P taisyti

Q taisyti

R taisyti

S taisyti

  • schiz-, schizo-: split, cleft. schizophrenia.
  • semi-: half. partial, incomplete.
  • sept-, septa-, septem-, septi-
  • sex-, sexa-: six.
  • Sino-: China.
  • step-: related via marriage of parent.
  • sub-: under, beneath, below. subsidiary, secondary, subordinate. almost, nearly, somewhat.
  • sui-
  • super-: above, over, upon. superior in size, quality, number, degree, status, title, or position. inclusive.
  • supra-: above, over, on top. greater than, transcending.
  • syl-: with, together.
  • sym-: identical. with, together. concomitant.
  • syn-: identical. with, together. concomitant.

T taisyti

U taisyti

V taisyti

W taisyti


X taisyti

Y taisyti

Z taisyti